This is more me just learning how Picasa works with Blogger than anything else. This is my wife Jessica (married June 2005) for all the Pottershouse alumni (Alter, etc) that I haven't spoken with in a long long time. She's preggy with our first kid and due in Sept. If it's a boy, we plan on naming it Ian Scott Tooley. If it's a girl, we're trying to decide between Apple Lauren Tooley or Cricket Elizabeth Tooley. Jess likes Apple, not because of Chris Martin and Gwenyth Paltrow, but because she used to work with one. And Cricket because she knew one in Tennessee. Doris is also in the running, as I prefer old timey, dusty and dignified type names. I never pictured having daughters though. I never had a sister, so it's just kinda foreign to me. If I could plan it perfectly, I'd have a son, then a daughter, and then another son. The older can defend the daughter, and also defend the younger son from the daughter. We'll see how this goes.
Apple? Cricket?
Why don't you go ahead and name your kid "Teddy Ruxpin"????
Ian is a good name though. I pray that you have a boy.
Trisha Tschopp, at 10:41 PM
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