Get Your Fill.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


We finally bought our plane tickets, so we know when we'll be where in the States. From Jan 3rd through Jan 18th we'll be in the Quad Cities with my family. From Jan 18th through Feb 2nd, we'll be in Florida with Jess' family. It's been a while since I've published a list of the things I'm going to do when we get home.

In the Quad Cities:
1. Eat at my old Hardee's in Eldridge at 6am and watch the old guys play poker in the back room by the ball pit.
2. Go to Border's in Davenport and put a severe butt dent in one of their chairs.
3. Walk around downtown Davenport and see what's changed since I had been a bell-boy at the Radisson down there.
4. Take Jess on a massive Michigan Ave shopping trip in Chicago.
5. Act incredibly manly at John Wayne night at my dad's church. (Dudes only)

In Florida:
1. Eat Moe's Southwest Triple Lindy burrito. Substitute the salsa and guacamole for sour cream and cheese.
2. See a movie at the Rave that doesn't cost 25 pounds ($50!)
3. Go to my old squadron and beg for a contractor graphics job. Do you think Colonels like roses?
4. Go to Barnes and Noble in Destin and put a severe butt dent in one of their chairs.
5. Take a trip to the beach to take in the beauty, and wrestle a shark.

Anyways, here's a random video. This guy is hilarious (at least I think so).


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