Get Your Fill.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


I finally received my official transcript evaluation from the University of Maryland, and I lost alot of my credits. From University of Northern Iowa, Scott Community College, Okaloosa-Walton College and the Air Force, I had amassed 70 odd credit hours. Unfortunately, due to my near weekly change of majors while at UNI, almost all of them count as electives at UMUC. You can only have so many, and in the end I lost about 33 credit hours. Eleven classes! After the 2 classes I'm taking right now, I'll still have about 77 hours needed for an Accounting degree. It's still doable, I'm just a little frustrated that I'm farther from getting a degree than I thought.

Shoot, I could finish mechanics school and beauty school in the amount of time needed for me to finish Accounting!

You know what I say. It's all about the Benjamins. And by that I mean properly debiting and crediting those Benjamins to the appropriate T-account.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Lucy's Picasa Web Album

Click on the picture below to go to our web albums on Picasa. Once there, bookmark the page so you can go back and check on it. We'll upload more pictures frequently. Love ya!

Lucy: The First 96 Hours
Sep 25, 2006 - 14 Photos

Friday, September 22, 2006

Say Hello to Lucy Elizabeth Tooley!!!

 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Due Day plus 9

This will be quick, as I am pounded with school work and quickly running out of GivaDang.

We went to the midwife yesterday, and found out that all of the false labors haven't been in vain. We found out that Jess is dialated 4cm, and can go into full labor at anytime. We have an appointment to induce on Sunday, but Debbie (midwife) said that she severely doubts she'll make it that long. GOOD! I can't wait to become a dad!

Please keep her in your prayers.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Due Day plus 4

This kid ain't never comin'.

In my mind, I never pictured that the baby could be late. I just always faithfully assumed that it would be prompt.

It needs to come soon. Jess is very much uncomfortable and in pain. It looks like Industrial Light and Magic glued a quarter inch thick sheet of rubber all around her feet. Seriously, if I grab her foot around the heel her toes then blow up. She is very cartoonish in her appearance right now. Maybe I should say her body is more "dynamic". She should pose for an art class for a study in form. The only problem is that no art class on the planet wants to hear how bad her hips hurt, over and over and over and over and...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Today is Due Day

September 12th is finally here. The only problem is that Jess feels farther away from having the baby today that she has in the past three weeks. It's been really wierd. We've had about 3 false alarms, one that even fooled the nurses on the phone. She'll get really intense, rythmic contractions for hours on end, and then they'll just go away. She was having some last night, but nothing to get excited about.

So, not yet, unfortunately. It's 7am here, and she is still in bed. I think I'm going to put on a hockey mask and rush into the room with a chainsaw blazing. The thought is to scare the baby out of her. But, I'll probably just get crap.

Friday, September 08, 2006

A Moment of Apple Dorkdom

Normally I try not to post entries based on my computer loves, but I just gotta this time. The new 24-inch iMac that Apple just released is simply lustful. So much so that I catch myself dreaming of my Windows XP computer bursting into flames, so that I might have an excuse to buy one of these things on credit. Everytime I unplug a cord out of the back of my computer because the USB hub randomly stopped working, I think of how clean my desk would be if I had an iMac with wireless keyboard and Mighty Mouse. I could get an Apple sticker for the Roach (Ford Fiesta) and not be considered a poseur. I'd be on a severe level of cool. Like Timberlake cool.

Anyways, I'm done.

Take a look for yourself!